Saturday, February 22, 2025

5 Problems That Delay Six Sigma Projects And How to Solve Them

Six Sigma projects are meant to improve critical processes in an organization. If done right, this can yield positive results. This can be any...
Lean Six Sigma Do You Know The Difference

Lean Six Sigma: Do You Know The Difference?

Lean Six Sigma or Lean and Six Sigma? This has always been confusing for a layman as he can hardly figure out the difference between the two.
Kaizen-Taking One Step at a Time

Kaizen: Taking One Step at a Time

The concept of kaizen was introduced to bring small and consistent improvements every day, which eventually culminates to a bigger and substantial goal.
Challenges Faced During Six Sigma Implementation

Challenges Faced During Six Sigma Implementation

While manufacturing industry carries out Six Sigma implementation smoothly, the same is daunting for other industries such as service, healthcare, etc.
3 Important Roles Of A Yellow Belt

3 Important Roles Of A Yellow Belt

When Six Sigma is implemented in an organization, Yellow belt is expected to demonstrate their knowledge with effectiveness.
5 Essential Lean Six Sigma Tools

5 Essential Lean Six Sigma Tools

The most important factor of this methodology’s constant success are its tools, and the implementation is fruitless if Lean Six Sigma tools aren’t used.
DMAIC-Five Phases of Lean Six Sigma

DMAIC – Five Phases of Lean Six Sigma

Any organization seeking support from Six Sigma must have a prior knowledge about how these 5 phases(DMAIC) work and what importance they hold.
Six Sigma Brainstorming-Put Your Thinking Caps On

Six Sigma Brainstorming- Put Your Thinking Caps On

Six Sigma Brainstorming is invaluable and beneficial, and a company is highly advised to perform it every once in a while to produce and assemble ideas.
Mistake Proofing Poka-Yoke Achieving Perfection

Mistake Proofing: Poka-Yoke

In Lean Six Sigma, poka-yoke is another helpful tool, which is used for continuous improvement.The term poka-yoke is derived from Japanese.
Root Cause Analysis And Its Implementation

Root Cause Analysis And Its Implementation

Root Cause Analysis is a systematic method to investigate, identify and resolve the occurrence of a non-favorable incident.

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process mapping six sigma

Why Process Mapping is Essential to DMAIC and Lean Six Sigma

Process mapping is an important part of a Lean Six Sigma project as it is a way for the company to fully understand the...
benefits of six sigma

The Benefits of Six Sigma for Employers and Employees

Anyone can benefit immensely from Six Sigma. This methodology has quickly become the standard for getting ahead. This is true whether organizations are looking...
Six Sigma Benefits that Help Entrepreneurs

Six Sigma Benefits that Help Entrepreneurs Achieve Customer Loyalty

When entrepreneurs implement Six Sigma, they can experience benefits that help them increase customer satisfaction. And when customers are consistently happy, they eventually become...