5 Ways To Know Your Customer Better Through VOC

VOC-Know your customer better

A business is highly likely to suffer a loss if the customers are dissatisfied with their products or services. It is crucial for service providers to understand the experience of customers.

How can VOC help?

VOC (Voice of the Customer) is a practice to figure out the customer needs and integrate it in the system. The benefit of incorporating VOC is that every customer feels honored and special. This encourages them to do more business with you.

There are several ways to gather the voice of the customer:

1. Surveys

An examination of a customer’s comprehensive buying experience using a set of questions will give a better understanding of customer needs.

2. Interviews/Direct Interaction

Performing interviews with customers help create a synergy with them, by creating a platform where they are asked a few questions regarding their experience with the company.

3. Focus Groups

A focus group is a market research strategy where people (customers) gather to have an open discussion on a non-threatening issue. In our case, the discussion’s topic is the product. The positive ideas can be used as feedback and be implemented in the future.

4. Observation and Suggestion

To understand a customer we should observe him during the buying process. This will give insight into the factors that motivate a customer to buy the product or service. Customer feedback can prove to change and bring improvements within an organization.

5. Complaints

A whole bunch of new opportunities can arise from the complaints made by customers in the past.

Word of mouth can make a difference and bring an impact; this is why the “Voice of the Customer” is vital to discern opportunities and avoid mistakes.


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