Leadership: Leadership Effectiveness of Navy Seals

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Do you have what it takes to lead like a Navy Seal? Wait … that doesn’t mean that you hit the office yelling, screaming and throwing things, like in the movies. What it does mean is that you lead a team of people through challenging circumstances and exceed all expectations, all while being an inspirational figure in the face of adversity. It is really that simple. Most leaders have what it takes, but they just can’t make it happen. It is really the top 1% of business leaders that can lead like a Navy Seal and have teams that would follow them to the ends of the earth. Those are truly the most effective leaders with the most exceptional businesses.

Navy Seal Leadership

First things first, those in leadership positions must understand that there are no short cuts to success. It takes physical and mental toughness, focus and passion for your business to lead like a Navy Seal. In the book by Brian “Iron Ed” Hiner called First, Fast, Fearless: How to Lead Like a Navy Seal, you will find 20 plus years of experience in leading Navy Seals. Here are 7 insights from this inspirational work:

Chess players, wrestlers, surfers, and rule-benders make great leaders – These people either think strategically, possess unlimited focus or gigantic mental and physical toughness. They understand rules books are guides, not final solutions or bibles.

Life isn’t fair, nor should training be – Training and coaching should be safe, but absolutely realistic. Throw in all possible scenarios and teach people successful, creative and positive mindsets.

All warrior live by an ethos – The Navy Seals have an ethos they are taught on Day 1 and they never forget it. You must have an ethos for your business that is non-negotiable and everyone must live by. No exceptions.

Redefine notions of authenticity – Perception is reality and leaders must manage the way they are perceived. That means you focus on everything, from your appearance to verbal and written communications. You will be judged in silence by your staff and they will respond appropriately.

Responsibility and accountability aren’t the same – Leaders must remember the buck stops here! Corporate culture is about finger pointing and blame. You must understand and explore where things went wrong, but a leader accepts blame! It is about ’no excuses leadership.’ Failure falls squarely on the leader.

Humor is the best weapon – Humor is a powerful weapon. Fear inhibits the executive system of the brain and humor inhibits fear. That doesn’t mean that you become a clown in the office. It means that you inject humor to stressful situations to ease the situation.

Seals train for failure, but not to fail – Weightlifters understand this. They train to the point of complete muscle failure. It makes them stronger, better conditioned and tougher. They never quit!

Take the Navy Seal Challenge

Take on the challenge of leadership, Navy Seal style and become a better leader. Study their attributes and start to understand what it takes to be a great leader. Navy Seals are some of the best leaders in the world. There is absolutely no reason why you cannot adapt, improve and overcome your challenges and be the best. Step up!


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