3 Reasons Why Six Sigma Black Belt Make for Great Leaders


A Six Sigma Black Belt is an individual who is 100% dedicated to Six Sigma. They are leaders who oversee the planning and execution of Six Sigma projects in an organization. Here are three reasons why Six Sigma Black Belts make for great leaders.

1. They Produce Better Results

Certified Six Sigma black belts are known for producing better results in leadership roles. This is due to the following reasons:

  • Hands-on experience: Black Belts cannot be certified if they don’t have hands-on experience. On top of coming prepared with the skills and know-how for process design, improvement and management, they also come with leadership competencies they gained while on the road to becoming certified.
  • Deep functional understanding: Black Belts stick close to the processes, learning and understanding exactly how they work. This is what makes them effective at analyzing and improving processes within an organization. With their deep functional knowledge, they can instill confidence in workers on their team and put their minds at ease because everyone knows the project is in good hands.

2. They Are Process Improvement Experts

When a Six Sigma Black Belt looks at an issue, they are able to find the root cause of the problem by diligently studying the data. This makes their decisions on which process improvement projects to undertake carry more weight since they are highly-informed decisions. In the end, these decisions contribute to the overall health of the organization and the satisfaction of stakeholders and customers.

3. They Are Change Management Experts

Since a large part of their job involves implementing change, they also possess the necessary soft skills to facilitate change management. They can motivate and empower others to not only accept change but embrace it as well. In other words, Black Belts can turn resistance to change into support. 


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