Leadership Strength: Make a Decision and Get Results

leadership strength, lean six sigma, six sigma focus, blog

It’s that time of year! We are approaching a New Year and it is time for us to make our resolutions for 2017. We think through what we would like to change in our personal and business lives, then we write down those visions. There, we are going to do it differently in the New Year. Now, let’s go back a year ago and see how many of those resolutions achieved results!

Leadership Strength Through Decision, Not Resolution

Leadership strength requires getting results. The fact is, most New Year’s resolutions fail and they fail fairly quickly. Resolutions are just that, a resolution. They are a vision or a dream of change or success, that are not typically backed by commitment and mental toughness. There is nothing put in place to hold us accountable or focused on the task at hand.

To get the results we are seeking from New Year’s resolutions, we have to change the dynamic from resolution to decision. Decisions are firm changes that we make with vision and commitment. They come from deep down inside. They are made from the head, not from the heart. When we make a decision, we move forward and commit to a change, without having a ‘Plan B’. Leadership strength and decision making takes commitment and mental toughness to see it through to the end. When we make a decision, we commit to change.

Get Results with Decisions

To achieve the desired results, we must make a decision to make a change. As we approach the 2017 New Year, let’s make decisions for next year and not resolutions. Sit down today! Write out a list of decisions, set some goals and commit to change. Take that vision you have and decide that you will make changes to achieve the results. In a year, you will be able to look back on today and find satisfaction in the fact that your decision led to results.


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